
an anthology of fiction on tomorrow’s technologies

from the archives of So Fi Zine and Fiction @ The Sociological Review

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Edited by
Ash Watson

Published by
Frances St Press

22 June 2023

14 authors/12 stories

Editorial, Ash Watson
Stealth Love, Massimo Airoldi
Trouble with Technology/Lightening the Load?, Gemma Hughes
2343 – A Day in the Life of a Citizen of Cassini, John-Paul Smiley
I’m Always There, Murray Goulden and Jamie Woodcock
Future(s) of Technology-Enabled Care, Rachel Creaney
Five Minutes to Daybreak, Lauren Alessi
Vulcan, Allan McCay
Dark Templates, Anne Turner
Smiling Gives You Wrinkles, Anoushka Benbow
Rebecca, Rob White
In Her Eyes, Hillary Steinberg
Big Farmer, Catie Gressier and Lauri Turner